Apple Pie Bites

When you get to know me, you know I love my sweets and I love my apple sweets. Apple Pies are one of my favorite desserts especially when icing is involved. I made these for the first time last night and I am now addicted! They are great for breakfast, snack, and dessert! I highly recommend making this for your family, friends, or just for yourself!

Apple Pie Bites Recipe
(Makes 8 Apple Pie Bites)

1 Gala Apple (or any apple you choose)
1 Can of crescents rolls (8 count)
Brown Sugar

Icing Ingredients:
Powder Sugar
Almond Milk

1. Preheat oven to 350.
2. Line cookie sheet with aluminum foil and spray non-stick cooking spray for easy clean up.
3. Roll out the crescent rolls on the lined cookie sheet.
4. Sprinkle brown sugar and cinnamon on each crescent roll
5. Cut your apple into 1/2-inch slices.
6. Roll each apple slice in a crescent roll.
7. Top the crescent rolls with a little brown sugar and cinnamon.
8. Bake in the oven for about 11-15 minutes until the crescent roll is slightly golden.

How to make the Icing:
1. Put about 2 cups for powder sugar in a bowl.
2. Pour a little Almond Milk into the powder sugar (a little liquid goes a long away).
3. Add a few drops of water into the mixture.
5. Mix it up and pour all over the apple pie bites.


Jessie Anne

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