Spinach Lasagna Rolls

I am obsessed with Pinterest. Over Christmas break I got my mom hooked on it. Many of our conversations on the phone are about what we have currently pinned and what we have made/used from Pinterest. Now that I am home for Spring Break what is the first thing that my mom and I do?? Make dinner from our Pinterest board!

Tonight we are making Spinach Lasagna Rolls! You can find the recipe here.

Here is how I made Spinach Lasagna Rolls:
1. Cook 9 lasagna noodles
2. Preheat oven to 350.
3. Combine 10 oz. of thawed and drained spinach, 1/2 cup of parmesan, 15 oz. ricotta cheese, one egg, salt and pepper.

 4. In a 9X12 pan, pour a thin layer of sauce.

5. After the noodles have cooked, drain and dry them. Lay noodles on wax paper. 

6. With the noodles in a row, scoop out 1/3 of the spinach mix onto each and spread evenly.

7. Roll each one and place the crease side down (in the sauce).

8. Sprinkle as much mozzarella cheese as you want. My family likes our cheese so I put a hefty amount on.

9. Bake for 40 minutes...

10. And ENJOY!!!

Yes, it has spinach in it, but you can barely notice. This is a healthy dinner that is rich in iron. 

And what is for dessert???

My very own Apple Crisp that I have put my own twist on to make it a Jessie Anne original!

Jessie Anne

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